Try new features by downloading our latest update of VOIP SIP SDK for Android.
Change log:
- changed username to SIP URI in receiver argument of onTextMessageReceived callback
- disabled code which removes auto dial DTMF suffix
- SDK target changed to API level 34
- added RX and TX byte counter to AbtoPhoneMediaQuality
- added method to specify custom REGISTER headers
- fixed H264 full HD (1920×1080) video capture
- added POST_NOTIFICATIONS permission to example apps
- added FOREGROUND_SERVICE_PHONE_CALL permission and marked service with phoneCall foreground type in example apps
- updated Java example apps build files to support Android Studios that capable to build Android 14 (API level 34) apps
- updated Kotlin example apps build files to support Android Studios that capable to build Android 14 (API level 34) apps