Update VoIP SIP SDK for Windows

Please download our latest VoIP SIP SDK for Windows.

1. Fixed bug with raising ‘OnRecordFinished’ events when buffer recording was started.
2. Improved buffer recording code in MlSampleWindowCpp example app.
3. Added new event which SDK raises when received UPDATE message.
4. Added ability to detect FAX signal with frequency 1100Hz.
5. Added new setting ‘ForceStereoMode’.
6. Added ability to handle SIP REGISTER answer with methods GetSipMessageLine/GetSipHeaderValueLine.
7. Codec G722 included into SDK setup.
8. Added Opus codec.
9. Added new properties InstId, SipModel.
10. Improved h264 initialization, added bitrate limitation (Added new setting ‘VideoBitRate’).
11. Added ability to play/record files with Unicode names.
12. Added new property ReplyRtpBackToSenderEnabled.
13. Add changes to prevent freezing on creating new connections.
14. Added new method SendToneExLine.
15. Fixed bug with detecting SDK instance number. Improved RTP ports range calculation.
16. Added new method SeekPlayingFile(LONG lineId, LONG offestMs).
17. Added ability to reply SIP messages back to sender (if set ‘ReplyRtpBackToSenderEnabled’).
18. Fixed code which handles case RegExpire=0.
19. Fixed recording *.wav files with Unicode names (previous fix works for mp3 only).
20. Fixed crash on closing RTP connection.
21. Added new method ‘cfg_ExSipAccount_Remove’.
22. Redesigned way how SDK works with accounts, on adding restart of sip stack is not required.
23. Many improvements of code which handles multiple sip accounts.
24. Fixed adding ptime=10, when first selected codec is G729.
25. Fixed bug in implementation ‘DmpCreateEnabled’.
26. Added ability to parse sip/sips scheme and don’t replace when it’s user defined.
27. Added new method TransferCallLine.
28. Added new method RedirectCallLine.
29. Added code which makes force cleanup related connections.
30. Added code which stores SIP message received in Trying/Alerting events.
31. Fixed bug with switching to newly connected audio device.
32. Modified method ‘MoveConnectionToLine’.
33. Now it properly modifies state of line and allows to move connections which is not answered yet.
34. Added code which prevents SDK from crash, when received video frame larger then can be copied into existing buffer
35. Added new method ‘StopToneLine’.
36. Redesigned code how SDK generates SPECIAL_ tones. Now they handled as DTMF.
37. Fixed bug with ‘SetSIPHeaderValue’, when app makes few calls simultaneously.
38. Added new event ‘OnIncomingCall2’.
39. Added ability to raise OnSubscriptionNotify when received SIP NOTIFY.
40. Added one more event ‘OnReceivedRequestRefer’.
41. Redesigned code how SDK prepares answer on received Re-Invite.
42. Now it creates a copy of profile codecs instead of modifying it.
43. Fixed code which rejects video frames with wrong payload type
44. Fixed bug with ‘CallInviteTimeoutSeconds’, in case when app makes calls fast enough.
45. Modified H264 initialization – uses default settings when received the empty string in fmtp.