Update VoIP SIP SDK for Windows

Download an important update of VoIP SIP SDK for Windows:



Change log:

– Added ability to receive video frames with a resolution larger than own;

– Redesigned how SDK handles option ‘LocalAudioEnabled’
Now when app started without audio devices it can connect and use audio devices at any time;

– Fixed handling VideoSampleRate. Now SDK skips frames when the camera sends them very fast;

– Fixed handling video devices with Unicode names;

– Added new (Webrtc)AEC mode;

– Added ability to immediately cancel outgoing call, without waiting for answer from server;

– Fixed bug with playing ringtones when a few incoming calls received.
When first incoming call canceled SDK doesn’t stop playing ringtone;

– Fixed freezing when receiving ‘0d0a’, inside SDP;

– Added new methods Shutdown/Reinitialize.