Update VoIP SIP SDK for iPhone

Please download our latest update of VoIP SIP SDK for iPhone:

Change log:

– Added ability to receive and handle SIP request in new new events:
onCallConnected:(NSInteger)callId remoteContact:(NSString _Nonnull)remoteContact andSipMsg:(NSString \ _Nonnull)sipRequest;
onCallDisconnected:(NSInteger)callId remoteContact:(NSString _Nonnull)remoteContact statusCode:(NSInteger)statusCode message:(NSString Nonnull)message andSipMsg:(NSString * Nonnull)sipRequest;

– Fixed sending rtp-keepalive when missed real data from mic/camera
– Added ability to set Opus FEC

– Added property which allows disable/enable DNS SRV
config.enableDnsSrv( true/false)

– Added ability to enable write log files
config.logLevel = 5;[0..5]

– Added new option (helps restore media when network connection switched during established call)
config.reinitMediaOnCallRestore = YES;